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Making Change

Caring for our community

Hands Christian Daycare

A Korean-immersion preschool builds children's faith and cultural connections

Above: Sooa Han and her daughter Stella present a Making Change check to Hands Christian Daycare’s director, Sung Eun Yu, and lead teacher, Dael Choi. (Photo: MainStreet Bank)

At Hands Christian Daycare in Centreville, a staff member greets every child by name when they arrive. On a recent spring day, the preschool’s bookkeeper ran outside as a car pulled into the driveway, crouched down to a little girl’s level, and wrapped the student in a hug as she separated from her mom.
Sooa Han selected the daycare, where her four-year-old daughter Stella is enrolled, to receive her 2024 Making Change donation. She was drawn to the faith-based program by its “kind and loving atmosphere” and a unique curriculum that cultivates both American and Korean cultures.
“Stella couldn’t speak as much Korean before going to Hands Christian Daycare two and a half years ago,” says Sooa, a Connect Support Specialist who has worked at the Shaw Road location since 2022.
Now, Stella is in a class that is taught 70% in Korean and 30% in English. “That definitely improved her Korean speaking level, which has helped her communicate with her grandparents better.” Sooa’s family immigrated to the United States when she was 14.
Sung Eun Yu, the daycare’s director, says the program serves about 70 children ages 1 to 5 in six classrooms. She said the Making Change donation will go to upgrade supplies and equipment.
There is a large body of bilingual education research that shows how maintaining a heritage language at home strengthens and reinforces cultural bonds. Yet language loss is very common even with children of relatively recent immigrants. At Hands Christian Daycare, children are learning spoken Korean from infancy, and the writing system, Hangul, by age 4.
“I’ve always had a thought in my mind about how I can express my appreciation to Hands because they’ve been so good to our child since she first attended,” Sooa says. “And finally, MainStreet Bank allowed me to do so! I’m so grateful that I’m able to support the school through this amazing Making Change program. This donation will truly help the school with improving equipment and supplies to provide a better environment for the children. Thank you MainStreet Bank!”

To learn more about Hands Christian Daycare visit handscdc.com

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Making Change: A community giving initiative from MainStreet Bank

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