Analyze Spending by Category in Insights
Spending by Category in Insights you can analyze and categorize your spending habits. For more information on how to manage your tags and categories, see our guide for How to Manage Tags in Insights.
Manage Tags in Insights
Digital Banking allows you to rename, delete, and split tags in Insights. Tags are labels or keywords that make it easier to filter and search for information and can provide context to your transactions.
Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse
Older Americans lose roughly $3 billion to a growing number of scams each year, according to the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging.
Benefits of a Community Bank
Even if you’re not familiar with the term “community bank,” you’ve more than likely crossed paths with one.
Beneficial Ownership Information
A new federal Beneficial Ownership Information reporting rule, or BOI, takes effect in 2024.
You Can Stop Funds Transfer Fraud!
Fraud, unfortunately, is a fact of modern financial life, and scammers are adept at developing new ways to trick customers. Following these best practices can save you time and money.
Protecting your Business from Deepfake Scams
As deepfakes become more sophisticated and accessible, small businesses must take proactive measures to defend against deepfake fraud. Follow these steps to help safeguard your business.
Add a Budget in Insights
Making a personal budget can seem overwhelming, Digital Banking can simplify the process to help you take control of your finances.
Add Goals in Insights
We often have the same financial goals, whether it’s saving for a first house, or paying a student loan. Digital Banking provides the availability to set those goals.
Add an Alert in Insights
Digital Banking provides the capability to set up Alerts, which can help keep your finances on track wherever you are!